mercredi 30 novembre 2016

Hillary Clinton 2

Image result for Hillary Clinton's ideas

24 commentaires:

  1. In this poster several things shock me about Hillary. For example the fact that she didn’t drive her car since 1996. In my opinion, the political representatives of a country must reflect the population of their region, and it seems to me that a very large majority of Americans drives a car.
    Moreover she was fired from her job for asking too many questions and to my mind a president must know how to respect limits, to remain in a precise frame and not disperse.
    These two things struck me and therefore make me think that Hillary Clinton is not able to be the president of the United States unlike Donald Trump.

    1. I disagree with you Lola asking questions isn't a bad thing from Clinton but it doesn't mean that I support her ideas, or her program.
      During the presidential campaign it's normal that opponents send peaks but I can't accept this sentence of Hillary:"I am not in favor of making college free for Donald Trump's kids". It's a lack of respect at family Trump, and there isn't rapport with US élections, in my opinion it's a very bad attack from Clinton.
      But I follow you on the story of the car, Hillary Clinton is an assited unlike Donald Trump, she can drive a car no ?
      Romain Bosc

  2. First, I disagree with you Lola and Romain, when you said that the fact that Hillary Clinton wasn't driving her car is shocking, because it's not an essential criterion to be a great candidate to run for the presidential election. Furthurmore, I think that a lot of politicians in America do not drive their car and have a driver.
    However, I agree with the second point that Lola said because in my opinion, a person who wants to be a president shouldn't have been fired from his/her job for an inconscientious thing like this.
    Finaly, I also find striking the fact that Hillary was once Republican, because it means that she wasn't always for the Democrat's ideas.
    Romane Barra

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    3. Hello! First I follow Romane, it's not essential to be able to drive a car if you want to become president. I'm annoyed by the people who think like that. It's not because a person can't do one thing that he or she is a bad person.
      However I execrate Hillary cause to my mind her campain is farfetched. She "represents the democrat party" but she switched parties like that. Don't you remember she used to be a republican before and just because of that we can't vote for her. A person who changes his mind as often as he or she changes his shirt isn't a trustworthy person .
      Furthermore I agree with your second point Lola, a president must respect limits and she can't do that .
      The country needs a president who represents and protects all his or her people, not a president who in more intersted in power than the welfare of the country.
      Thus as far as I'm concerned, for all these reasons I prefer to vote for Trumps because although he isn't perfect, he still more reliable than Hillary. And he tries to make the country better like with his wall rather than ordering hot sauce for his salad in restaurants! So vote for Trump!

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  4. Hello everyone my name is Pauline Vernizeau and I belong to the young republican Commitee for the election of Donal Trump.

    After studying Hillary's program I realized that there were really shocking things.

    Firstly she was fired from her job for asking too many questions and personally, a person like this can't represent our nation. A state representative must know how to be professional, serious and set limits. It must be a model for young Americans and having this kind of behavior is inadmissible.

    Secondly Hillary was a Republican. Which shows that it is an unpredictable and unstable woman who can change her mind at any time, unlike Trump who has always been faithful to his party.

    As far as me I concerned I'm disagree with you Romain, to my mind the future president must set an example for other citizens. If everybody needed a driver America would be short of employees, and all jobs would be unoccupied. Our nation would not work properly!

    It is inconceivable to leave a person like Hillary to become the president. VOTE FOR TRUMP!

    1. Hello everybody, I’m Manon Dewynter and I belong to the Young Republican Committee for the election oh Donald Trump. I’m not shocked but I’m surprised by three things in this document:
      - Firstly, I’m astonished when I saw that Hillary wrote a book and who won a price: Grammy.
      - Secondly, I find it strange that Hillary was fried from her job working in an Alaskan fish-processing plant for asking too many questions because I don’t see Clinton to work with fish and even less to asking too many questions.
      - Thirdly, I’m not struck by the fact that she earned a postgraduate degree and by the fact that she was elected to national office but by the fact that she was the FIRST lady with its.
      - And finally, I agree with you, Pauline, when you said that we don’t have confidence in her because she changed of party unlike Trump and I think like you, when you said that is inadmissible to have a president who was dismissed from her job for asking too many questions.

  5. Hi eveverybody !
    You have all good arguments and I share your opinions when you said "Hillary hasn't drive a car since 1996". In fact, I wonder how can she direct a country if she can't drive a car !
    Moreover, I found it unconceivable when she switch parties, that's thougt-provoking. She's today democrat but maybe tomorrow rebulican.
    We don't know how will be the future with Hillary, she's too undecided in my opinion.

  6. All these arguments are really convincing and relevant !
    But if you want my honest opinion, I think that we can't deny that she says in her program. She asserts exactly : " I am not in favor of making college free for Donald Trump's kids." Even if Donald is her opponent, I find that what she claims is very discriminating, illegal and unfair against Donald Trump and his family.
    Moreover, I completely agree with Paul, Manon and Pauline her choices are uncertain and unstable. She changes her minds as often as she changes her shirt !
    Besides that, as Jalée so well says its, I strongly believe that putting hot sauce in all
    the dishes are really disgusting and sickening !
    In summary, Why elect a president creating discriminations, being uncertain in her choices, and liking the hot sauce ! Why !

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  8. Hello everyone !
    I'm Jade Amato and I belong to the Young Republican Committee for the elections of Donald Trump.
    After taking account of Hillary Clinton's program, two things have shocked me :
    To begin, I agree with you Romane, I think a politician can't change of mains ideas like Hillary Clinton did it, she changed of party, to my mind it's worst.
    Subsequently, I agree with Manon, it's frightening than a book of spoken-word, can win a grammy.
    Finally I agree with Pauline as well as I disagree with Romain, to me a President must be an example for people.

    And don't forget... VOTE FOR TRUMP !

  9. Hello !
    I am Marianne Dano.
    I think Donald Trump is really better than Hillary that's why I agree with you Jade. In my opinion, Trump is the only person who is able to lead our wonderful country.

    I did a fainting after I had read this document!

    First of all, are you able to conceive to live in a country where the president has not driven a car since 1996 ? How can you direct America when you don't remember how drive a car ?

    Second of all, she was fired from her job working in an Alaskan fish processing plant for asking too many questions. She is too curious. She can't control herself. To me, if she can't stay in her job working, she couldn't stay president. The relationship with the other countries is going to be so bad with HILLARY as president ! However she is clever although she is unbearable.

    Finally I agree with Jade and Pauline, as far as I am concerced, we need to have a President who is an example for all.

    In voting booth remember to VOTE FOR TRUMP enven if you are in the Democrat Committee. You know everybody is sure to have an amazing future with Trump !

  10. Hi everyone! I'm Mélusine and I really like to tell you my opinion about Hillary Clinton. First of all, some of you think that the fact she doesn't know how to drive a car is really bad... I disagree! Hillary may have a driver! I cant see the report between " do not know how to drive" and becoming president.
    The second thing i disagree with many of you ( Julie and Jalée...) is about putting hot sauce in nearly everything. Hot sauce is so good! and even if you don't like it, its her choice to eat that or not.
    But there are some points which we cannot ignore, like she's too curious. Here I totally agree with marianne : if she can't stay in her job working, she can't become president! Futhermore, she needs to be an example for all, and I think to change of partie is really a bad thing... She was a republican, and she becomes a democrate. It looks like someone who doesn't know what he wants. Like Pauline said, Trump, has never change of mind, he has always been with the republicans. For me, THIS is the most important fact, and that's why I think voting trump is the best thing to do! So go, and vote for the Republicans!

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  12. Hello every body ! I’m Amelie Desbordes, I’m a member of the republican party, and today I want to tell you my opinion. I have read the program of the democrate candidate, Hillary Clinton and many things shocked me. First, I agree with you, Lola. To my mind I think it is a real problem that she did not drive a car for a long time. The president of our nation has to represent us. So I disagree with you Romane when you say it’s not an essential criterion.

    And secondly, I’m very shocked when I have read « she was fired frow her job », I think the futur president of the USA musn’t be a curious people. It’s very dangerous if she asks questions all the time. Then I think, this thing is a problem.

    So to my opinion Mr Trump will make a better president than Hillary Clinton. I prefer his program and ideas. Thus please VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP !!

    Amélie Desbordes

  13. First, I agree with Melusine that there is no relation between driving a car and being a good president.
    But like many of you have said, we can't ignore that Hillary used to be a republican. Therefore we can conclude that she can easily change her mind, so we can't trust her.
    Furthemore, as Pauline and Marianne say it well, Hillary can't represent the United States around the world after she was fired from her job for asking too many questions.
    So don't vote for Hillary, it's a very bad idea, but go and vote for Trump!!

  14. Hi everybody!
    First I think that we can have a different opinion and sometimes I agree. For exemple I think that Mélusine is right when she says that it's shocking that a person who changed party want to became president; How can you vote for a person who is not sure of her?contrary to Trump who was and is always a republican.
    As far as I am concerned,I think that don't drive a car is not very important to beacame a presidentcontrary to Marianne because a lot of person don't have car but they could be very smart .I have just one thing to say: Too bad for her!
    Finally I believe that Hillary is not the good people to elect because she is not good. How can you present you to became president and be odious? She said that the school shouldn't be free for the children of Donald Trump!!! How canyou vote for a person who treats people like this? It could be you!!!
    So vote for Trump!

  15. Hi !
    I think that all these anecdotes about Hillary's way of life are completly childish, this si why I agree with Romane.

    Anybody could be affraid of driving a car or could like putting hot sauce on nearly everything and we don't care.
    Personnalité, I'll not vote for somebody because he can drive a car but because his dreams for the nations are the same as mine. This point of view I prefere Trump because his ideas are precises at the contrairy of Clinton who is unpredictable. She ever changed of party, she can do it again. It's too dangerous, vote for Trump !

  16. Hi everyone ! I'm Johanne Amiri, I'm a member of the democrate party and I'm backing Hillary Clinton for the 2016 presidential elections. Romain I understand your point of vue however if I had to pick an argument which could justifie the fact that I would against Hillary I would highlight the fact that she switched parties in 1968. Inded how could a woman who changes her mind about politic, which is her field, can run the politic of the world's top superpower ? In spite of this (important) detail, I stand up for her ideas that I find wiser than Trump's ones. She returns an image more well-behaved than Trump, who is originally of few scandals, just to increase his popularity. More-over, she has been first lady when her husband was president, so she knows the politic, and so deserve all my confidence.

  17. Hi every one ! For those who still don't know me, my name is Fanny and I'm a member of the Young Republican Committee. First of all, and in order to answer your comments Julie and Emilie, I totally agree with you ! Hilary Clinton can't "switch parties"like she did in 1968 ! The fact that a president candidate changes of mind proves that she isn't trustworthy, neither deided. What will we do if she is elected ?? Perhaps she is going to modify her political platform... To my mind, it seems unconceivable.
    Secondly, Paul, why do you think that without driving, Hilary will not be able to lead the country ? As far as I'm concerned, the fact that she "has not driven a car since 1996" doesn't matter. What can it changes in the way of her political behaviour ? A president doesn't need to know how to drive to have sufficient knowledge.
    Furthermore, eatting hot sauce isn't a deli Emilie. Whatever her preferences it doesn't matter ! We are speaking here about her political campain ! But I have to precise that I m not taking her side.
    Moreover, In my opinion, Hilary declared something which shoks me : " I am not in favor of making college free for Donald Trump's kids." I can't bear this sentence which is insulting and much more thant that : disrespectfull for trump's family. Everybody has the right to education as long as he did nothing wrong.
    To conclude of course Donald Trump isn't a perfect candidate, but it is inhuman having no default. Contrariwise Hilary Clinton is full of wrong things ! For example she isn't able to keep a job because of her behaviour, as you said Marianne.
    One more thing : Why -as Hilary said it- should the rich families pay for the poor children's education. We work hard and have to be better rewarded.

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  19. Hello everyone!
    I'm Arthur Guyot and I belong to the Young Republican Committee for the elections of Donald Trump. I would like to tell you my opinion about Hillary Clinton because I think Donald can be a really better president.
    First, I agree with what Mélusine and Emma say, it's shocking that a person who switched of party wants to become a president. This fact shows us that Hillary Clinton is an opportunist and a liar, we can’t trust this kind person, imagine if she is president, she could change at any time her politic. Donald TRUMP, him, has the same politic since the beginning. He's a man you can trust, when he says something he does it.
    Secondly, like Julie, I am very shocked when I hear Hillary Clinton saying: «I am not in favor of making college free for Donald Trump's kids." It’s a pitiful personal attack of Hillary Clinton. She will do absolutely anything in order to win this election, she will discriminate Donald’s children and for a potential future president it’s really disrespectful.
    Finally, to my mind, even if I'm for Donald TRUMP, I disagree with what Pauline says. It’s not very important if Hillary Clinton hasn’t driven a car since 1996. Donald TRUMP also has a driver.
    Thank you for your attention and I can just give you an advice, if you want to make America great again, vote for the best candidate, DONALD TRUMP !!!!
