mercredi 30 novembre 2016

Donald Trump

US election: Where Trump stands on key issues
18 October 2016
According to an analysis from the conservative Tax FoundationDonald Trump's latest plan would cost the US government about $5.9 trillion in revenue over 10 years, about half as much as the proposal he set out last September. Mr Trump's current plan includes reducing the number of tax brackets from seven to three, cutting corporate taxes, eliminating the estate tax and increasing the standard deduction for individual filers. According to the Tax Foundation analysis, the top 1% of earners would see their income increase by double-digits, while the bottom quarter gets a boost of up to 1.9%.
Donald Trump says he will create 25 million jobs over 10 years, saying too many jobs, especially in manufacturing, are being lost to other countries. He plans to reduce the US corporate tax rate to 15% from the current rate of 35%, and suggests that investing in infrastructure, cutting the trade deficit, lowering taxes and removing regulations will boost job creation.
This is his signature issue. Despite critics who call it unaffordable and unrealistic, he has stood by his call to build an impenetrable wall along the 2,000-plus-mile US-Mexico border. He has also called for reductions in legal immigration, ending President Barack Obama's executive actions deferring deportation proceedings for undocumented migrants, and more stringent efforts to reduce the number of these migrants living in the US. The candidate has backed away from earlier calls for the forced deportation of the more than 11 million undocumented migrants living on US soil and temporarily closing the US border to all Muslims - but not dropped them.
Family standing in rubble in Aleppo

How to respond to the war in Syria is the subject of dispute between the two candidates.

Donald Trump has criticised the Iraq War (although his claims that he opposed it from the start are unfounded) and other US military action in the Middle East. He has called for closer relations with Vladimir Putin's Russia and says the US must make allies in Europe and Asia shoulder a greater share of the expense for their national defence and emphasises that US foreign policy must always prioritise American interests. On the other hand, Mr Trump has also taken a hard-line stance toward combating IS and has even at times asserted the US should commit tens of thousands of ground troops to the fight. He says Nato should do more to combat terrorism in the Middle East, maintaining that the US foots too much of the bill for the Alliance and that other allies should spend more on their own protection.
Once upon a time, Republicans were the party of unregulated free trade. Donald Trump has changed all that. While he says he is not opposed to trade in principle, any trade deals have to protect US industry. He is firmly against the Trans-Pacific Partnership and has said that he will re-open negotiations on already signed pacts, such as the North America Free Trade Agreement (Nafta), and withdraw if US demands are not met. He has accused US trading partners like Mexico and China of unfair trade practices, currency manipulation and intellectual property theft, threatening to unilaterally impose tariffs and other punitive measures if they do not implement reforms.
Trump has been warning that the US policy of admitting refugees from certain regions - the Middle East or, more generally, Muslim nations - presents a serious threat to US national security. He has cited often debunked internet rumours, such as that Syrian refugees are largely young, single men. He has called for the US to suspend resettling refugees until "extreme vetting" procedures can be implemented, including ideological tests to screen out extremists. He asserts that nations in the Middle East - which have already received millions of Syrian and Iraqi refugees - must do more to create safe zones for those fleeing the violence.
Donald Trump has issued no position statements on environmental issues on his website. In speeches and debates, however, he has said he opposes what he views as economically damaging environmental regulations backed by "political activists with extreme agendas". He says he supports clean water and air, but wants to slash funding to the Environmental Protection Agency. He has also called man-made climate change "a hoax" and said he would "cancel" the Paris Agreement and other international efforts to address the issue.
He said in March that abortions should be illegal and he supported "some form of punishment" for women who had them. His campaign quickly backed down from that statement, however, and asserted that he believed the legality of the procedure should be left up to individual states, with any criminal penalties being reserved for abortion providers. He said he supports an abortion ban exception for "rape, incest and the life of the mother". He has called for defunding Planned Parenthood. As recently as 2000, Mr Trump supported abortion rights but has said that, like Ronald Reagan, he changed his views on the matter.
Violence and lawlessness is out of control in the US, according to Donald Trump. He says law enforcement agencies are unable to fight crime because of runaway "political correctness" and says they should be allowed to get tough on offenders. He says police profiling is necessary to prevent terrorist attacks on US soil. He supports "stop and frisk", claiming the policy was highly successful in New York, even though many experts disagree. The practice was ruled unconstitutional and a form of "indirect racial profiling" by a federal judge in the city.
Rejecting Republican orthodoxy, Trump has called for 6 weeks of paid maternity leave, which would amount to what the mother would receive in unemployment benefit. But this would not apply to fathers. There are no details on how this policy would be paid for.
Donald Trump has blamed some shootings on lax gun laws, saying armed people could have intervened and saved lives. He accuses his opponent of wanting to eliminate gun rights and promises his supporters that the Second Amendment would be safe.
Trump wants to create restrictions on lobbyists, by first defining who is a "lobbyist". Currently, anyone spending less than 20% of their time engaged in lobbying can call themselves an "adviser" or "consultant". Mr Trump says this is a loophole that must be closed. He also proposes there be a five-year ban preventing government officials who have recently departed the government from immediately joining lobbying firms. He also wants a lifetime lobbying ban on any former administration officials who have previously worked on behalf of foreign governments. He wants Congress to change campaign finance laws to stop anyone who lobbies for foreign governments from raising funds for US elections. He has claimed to be "self-funding" his campaign, but has also employed a former hedge fund manager to solicit campaign funds from deep-pocket donors.
Adapted from

12 commentaires:

  1. Hello everyone, I am Victor Corruble, a member of the Young Democrat Committee, and i’m actually backing Hillary Clinton for the 2016 persidential election. I would like to start my message by precising the fact that this message is written by myself and it’s only reprsenting my personal opinion. I am not pretending to speak for the Democrats or for my Comittee.
    I have analysed Mr.Trump’s programm on every single point. His programm on several points shocks me. I have identified two points, wich I think deserve an analysis. If you want to read my comment about the desastrous immigration politic Mr.Tump wants to set up, the you should quit this page. You are surely mature enough, not to want to deny the history of your country…
    Firstly, I’ll talk about the Foreign Policy : Mr. Trump wants to improve the political relationships with the Russian president Mr. Putin. Furthemore, he wants to strengthen the anti-terrorist policy. Why would it be a total mistake ? Because most of the weapons bought in the region where terrorist infrastructure are concentrated are Russians. This is a total non sense.
    Then, I wantt to talk about economy. Mr. Trump says in his programm : « reducing the number of tax brackets from seven to three, cutting corporate taxes, eliminating the estate tax and increasing the standard deduction for individual filers. » However, he wants to invest in infrastructure, cut the trade deficit… But how ? If you reduce the taxes, you limitate the power of the government, and then ypu can’t invest in new infrastrutures.

    1. Hi Victor and I everyone, I'm Julien and I want to answer to your point of view, which is for me the correct opinion of what should be the future government of our country.
      As you say some points of the Mr.Trump’s program shock us, members of the Clinton’s Committee. The 2 things you have said are completely correct, improve our relationships with Mr.Putine when we know he wants to kill the homosexuals’ people… But to my opinion, 2 other things have to be exposed
      First of all, his political about the immigration is just a set of stupid ideas. Build a wall along the US-Mexico border when we know that the immigration is the basis of our country and how he was founded. Is it not contradictory ? Also, I want he explains how he wants to find the money for his project
      Then, Mr.Trump has to be clear with his position for the climate change. Said “I support clean water and air” when he don’t want to accept the Paris Agreement and when the US make part in the global warmings furthermore with the shale gas ! Another stupid position full of contraditions…

  2. Hi everybody, my name is Clement Donstetter, and like Victor, I'm backing Hillary Clinton for the 2016 presidential election.
    After reading Donald Trump's manifesto and Victor's comment, I'd like to talk about a few things.
    First, I'll start by saying that I don't agree with Victor's opinion about Donald Trump's new tax policy. To my mind, reducing taxes is a good idea as a lot people complain about it. Instead of taxes, the U.S. government could find a lot of other ways to gain money, like letting private owned company take care of governmental issues.
    I would then like to talk about Trump’s immigration policy. In my opinion, migrants make up a noticeable part of the U.S. economy. The forced deportation of millions migrants or building a 2000 miles wall could cause the U.S. economy to lose balance.

  3. Hello to every human that support Clinton, and to every terrestrial being that do not, I'm Mayeul Hospital, and I want to respond to Victor, Julien and Clement.

    - At first, and just to complete what Victor said, I would add that a very big part of the weapons used by the terrorists came from old Russian stocks after the Cold War, so why wouldn't the USA, a country that -as everyone knows- have never had any problems withs terrorism, be a friend to Russia ?

    - Secondly, Trump whant actualy to have Mexico pay for the wall, Julien, he is realy asking a country to give him money that will serve to protect him from this country. As weird and suprising as a flying crocodile, isn't it ? This guy is a GENIUS !

    - At last - but no least - , and to have at least one thing that suprised me of my own, I would say that, for me, saying that "if ten men are killed in a cinema by a mad man with a gun it's because they didn't have a weapon on them", is NOT ENOUGH !
    At school, your chidren should have a chain-gun in their bag ; your grand-mother should always have a Glock on her to kill the thieves ; and I should have a nuclear silo in my garden to have my neighbour silenced !

    Did you understand that Trump is realy the man that should lead one of the most powerfull country in the world ?

    Thank you for your attention, and, as Trump-The-Great/Hadrian/Ming/Stalin said :
    "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me".

  4. Hi Vicor, Julien, Clément and Mayeul and hello everybody, my name is Gaspard Mizrahi. I belong to the Young Democrat Committee and I’m backing Hillary Clinton too for the 2016 presidential election.
    I’ve looked closely at the poster of Mister Trump (or I think it’s better to call him Monster Trump), and I’d like to explain you what struck me the most. I’ve also read the comments of my political colleagues and I would like to congratulate them for the relevance of what they say.
    First of all, I agree with Mayeul about the Gun laws. As far as I am concerned, I never used weapons and I don’t have any. To complete what he said, every year, 30 000 peoples are killed by weapons! Personally, I believe that it can’t longer last…
    Afterwards, I don’t agree with the Immigration policy of Donald Duck at all. No, sorry, Donald Trump* : Firstly, with the wall (not that of Pink Floyd), many families will be separated and just think about the Berlin Wall. Do you remember? A disaster! We don’t have to make the same mistakes as the past. Secondly, thanks to immigration, the economy of our country is growing. In my opinion, the undocumented migrants and the Muslims don’t have to leave the country, but people who haven’t brains and compassion though… Sorry, but goodbye Monster Trump!
    To finish, Julien is right about the Climate Change. To my mind, the environment is one of the must important things to deal with. “A hoax ” ? Seriously? We must really improve living conditions and reduce pollution. Not only for us, but also for future generations.
    Thank you for your reading and I hope you will do the good choice for our country, the most beautiful in the world! As for me, I want to say you : Vote for the best, vote for Hillary and we will be happier!

  5. Hello everyone, my name is Darika Peou and I also belong to the Young Democrat Commitee for the election of Hillary Clinton. After reading this programm, I'm convinced more than ever that Donald Trump doesn't have to be president.

    I will expose you my opinion in two points :

    First of all, I completely agree with Victor who is talking about the foreign policy : that is totally contradictory and it is the same thing with the majority of the differents parts of this poster.
    The only positive point was the reduction of taxes which explained by Clement.
    Now, I want to react to guns laws. To my mind, I think he's very stupid : he said that armed people could have intervened and saved lives but if they had to intervened it was because guns were allowed. There is nonsene, if there aren't weapons, it will not be necessary to intervene. In more, it's the role of the police to take care of this kind of problems.

    To conclude, I want to talk about the abortion. Trump said that abortions should be illegal and he supported "some form of punishment" for women who had them. So for him, if a 13 years old teenager got pregnant, she couldn't use abortion...He wouldn't mind ? Really, he does not put itself instead of the others. Every women should be free and to have the choice for these things but apparently he's too stupid to understand that.

    So, I just want to tell you only one thing : you have to vote for Hillary Clinton, don't let America in the hands of Donald Trump !

  6. Hello everybody, I'm Alizée Lanon ans I belong ton the Young Democrates Comitee for the 2016 Presidential Election.
    I read the Trump electoral program and there are some things which shocked me.
    Firstly, I agree with Clement for Trump's Immigration Policy. I think the wall he want to build isn't a good idea for economics reasons because the wall is going to cost a lot of money and also because migrants have a big place in the country ecocnomy. But mostly for human reason because it's bad to put out human just because they haven't papers or because there are not born on this country.
    Then, the second thing which shocked me it's that Trump want to do that abortion become illegal but it's a right for which women fight during longtime in order to get it and now Trump want to take of this right to wowen so I'm absolutly disagree with this.
    Vote for Hillary Clinton she is the best.

  7. Hi everyone!
    For the people who do not know me, my name is Otilia Kelemen and I promote Hillary Clinton for the president of the United States.
    I have to say that, in some points I agree with Victor and Julien. Why would someone build a wall who knows how important the immigrants were in the history of America? It doesn't make sense for me at all... I believe that we must help people who quit their own country because their life is in danger!
    Yes, Mayeul you are right! It is insane to ask a country for money to build a wall to protect you against their own habitants!
    But, there are facts that nobody mentioned so far (except you Darika) and that are even more important for me. That are abortion and childcare.
    Donald Trump wants to criminalise abortion. We are on the same side with Darika. If a young girl become pregnant and she cannot lose legally her child, her life will be severally effected. Every woman must have the right to decide what happens with her own body. If a woman would like to lose her child she will. She will cross the border, use illegal abortion clinics or will harm her own health which can be very-very dangerous for her.
    To finish, I want to talk about something that I find unequal. Women are allowed to have a 6 weeks maternity leave but men should have none. However it is not a surprise. It corresponds very well to Mr Trump's ideology.
    Hope we can make the world better with Hillary Clinton!

  8. Hi everybody,
    My name is Clement Arthaud-Berthet, and like Victor, Clément and others, I'm backing Hillary Clinton for the 2016 presidential election.
    I agree with Clement for the taxes program, but I think that this part it’s not the more important. Mayeul, said programs cannot be neatly summarized.
    After a careful reading of Mister Trump programs, you’ll find below my principal remarks on immigrations and
    To my mind, the immigration program of M. Trump is to rude and impossible to realize. He wants to build an impenetrable wall along the 2,000-plus-mile US-Mexico border, how can it be possible…the USA cannot live alone without immigration; i want to remind that the USA have been built on immigration from many countries and that everybody is living together, still problems with communities but it’s on the DNA of this country, accept and live together, with the opportunity to achieve the American Dream.
    As far I’m concerned, having guns in free access can belong a huge problem…just remember what happened last week at the university of Ohio, even if it was a terrorist attack it still too easy to buy guns… Even if the gun laws are in the Second Amendment, I think that it’s an error to not exercise control over the arms sells.
    Vote for Hillary…

  9. Hello everyone, my name is Etienne Petit and I'm also backing Hillary Clinton for the 2016 presidential election. As a Young Democrat Committee member, 2 things in Trump's program struck me a lot after a close look at it.
    At first, I totally share Julien's and Allizée's opinion : building a wall along the US-Mexico frontier is absolutely absurd when we know that the american population is based on immigration since its foundation. I also find inhuman to reject people for their origins. Moreover, Trump wants this wall to be built by Mexican workers, which is for me the worst contradiction!
    Then, I find inconceivable that Trump continues to authorize weapons in the USA. To my mind, people shouldn't have any weapon because it could lead to civil deaths whereas civil security is already guarenteed by the police, as Darika said. According to Trump, violence and lawlessness is out of control in the U.S. but in my opinion, this is a paradox because if there weren't any weapon, violence could be easier to control !

  10. Hello everyone,
    I’m Séverin Magguilli and if you are reading my comment you will know for which party I am.

    Personally (and like a lot of people) I was shocked by the Trump’s program and I want to explain to you my opinion.
    At first, I follow Julien for the point of the immigration. That the base of our country and it represent a big part of the U.S economy. The second point to me is the Obamacare. That’s one of the best thing set up for the health of the habitants. Indeed the Obamacare provides an help for the health costs and allows the people to get better care. Remove that, will remove the health. Finally (and the most important for me) I would speak about the environmental issue. Trump wants to annul the “Paris accord” and says the problem has been created by the China… What is the problem with him? The climate issue has been proved by scientist. So what ! He is not in the position to judge that, he just has to find solutions.

    These are the points I especially want to speak about. There is also others important points that I think wrong in the Trump’s campaign but I can’t speak about all…

  11. Hi Everyone !My name is Clara Corso and I belong to the Young Democrat Committee for the election of Hillary Clinton. I'm in 100 percent with her however I couldn't not take a look at his main competitor's program. Of course Mr. Trump is a very convicing person, but his program shocks me. First, I agree with you when you write that build a wall along the U-S Mexico frontier is, to my mind, the worst idea I've never seen but you argued enough about it. That's why I want to talk about 2 other things: Abortion/Childcare and Climate change. As a woman, I find improbable from people to think that abortion must be prohibited. If women chose abortion, it's because they can't keep the baby for many reasons. Otilia cited most of them and I totally agree with her. We musn't prevent women to having an abortion! Concerning the Childcare, I don't really understand why men wouldn't have paid paternity. They are all the same the father of their child!
    At last, Mr. Donald Trump called man-made climate change an hoax... Oh really?!... Isn't it ironic when we have this year the COP 22? Personally, I believe that climate change is one of the most important problem in our modern world and especially for the U-S! We can't just ignore it ! Melting ice, Climatic disorders... They aren't exaggerations, it's the reality !! And as far as I am concerned, I think we have to Manage this problem for the future generations.
